who we are
With the beginning of twenty first century the world has witnessed of enormous development of its generations also in the internet, so to push the development , the world had turned toward digitization, companies with all their types and majors are racing for automate their processes and store their database on electronic clouds.
E pulse cart company was a part of this global transformation,
even E pulse cart was formed to it, The company established in 2018 in India and E pulse cart's first goal was to have a special mark in digital world by providing eminent and comprehensive services for companies and foundations that are beneficiary from company's services and products, some of them for example in India (areas of electronic commerce, and automate digital payment: (foundational organization and electronic marketing).
The company could acquire the customers' s assurance in a short period because of its perfect performance, Besides the company could connect business relationships with more than one hundred companies In more than seven different countries around the world . in odder that spread and care from the company to continue for presenting perfect services and to be close to its customer, its first branch was opened in republic of Yemen – Sana'a. with the company's future vision for expanding and spreading in more countries around the world, furthermore the company pays a lot of attention to spreading the digital culture in countries that works in them, and raising the level of qualification of new joiners that have joined the company from the from the specialization by holding periodic digital seminars in universities and specialized exhibitions, also the company care to publishing the educational content Lastly opening the door of training in regular courses the company's branches are for graduate students and the student who have sent from local Universities.
الخدمات: الرعاية التقنية الكاملة بخطط مالية
نبحث بشكل مستمر عن احتياجات المجتمع ونجد الحلول التقنية العملية ثم نطلق
مشاريعنا الخدمية لتلبيها.
- كورسات مخصصة ودورات تدريبية فعالة.
- رعاية مشاريع التخرج.
- الاستشارات المجانية وجلسات النقاش والسمنارات التي نقدمها